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方晓英 , 刘志勇 , Tikhonova M , Belyakov A , Kaibyshev R , Rohrer G S , 王卫国

金属学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1037.2012.00132

固溶处理后的2组304不锈钢样品分别经应变量ε=2的多向锻造(MF)和单向轧制(DR)后,再经900℃高温退火2-120 min.采用电子背散射衍射(EBSD)技术和五参数晶界面分析方法(FPA),研究了样品的晶界特征分布(GBCD)和晶界面分布(GBPD).结果表明,2组样品中∑3n(n=1,2,3)特殊晶界的比例均不超过45%,并且在退火过程中,非共格∑3晶界逐渐共格化,Σ9和∑27晶界比例也随之下降.分别经MF和DR处理后再经120 min退火的样品中,一般大角度晶界(过滤掉Σ3n)一般均以〈111〉扭转晶界和〈110〉倾侧晶界为主,表明样品中均存在明显的晶界织构(GBT);在某些特定取向差条件下,一般大角度晶界的GBPD在样品中存在显著差异,表明退火之前的加工过程对304不锈钢的GBPD有显著影响.

关键词: 304不锈钢 , 晶界特征分布 , 晶界面分布 , 晶界织构


方晓英 , 王卫国 , Rohrer G S , 周邦新

金属学报 doi:10.3724/SP.J.1037.2009.00650

采用EBSD技术测定了冷轧退火铁素体不锈钢样品单一截面(轧面)的取向成像显微图(OIM),采用直线拟合法重构出晶界迹线,利用五参数法对晶界面{hkl}的分布进行了统计分析.结果表明,经85%冷轧变形的样品再经780℃退火后,合金虽然不存在明显的晶粒取向织构,也不存在以特定轴角对为特征的晶界择优分布,但其晶界面{hkl}的分布却具有一定的择优特性,而且在不同退火阶段,随着平均晶粒尺寸由小变大,择优分布的晶界面随之改变.当平均晶粒尺寸为9 μm时,择优分布的晶界面为{100}晶面,其分布密度超过平均值12%左右;随着晶粒的长大,当平均晶粒尺寸达到15 μm时,择优分布的晶界面以{111}为主,其次为{100}和{112}晶面,其最高分布密度超过平均值10%左右.对于特定取向差晶界,这种晶界面的择优分布特性明显增强.分析认为,退火过程中某些低能晶界由于迁移速率低而被保留下来是晶界面分布存在择优性的重要原因.

关键词: 铁素体不锈钢 , 晶界面分布 , 晶界取向 , EBSD


王炼石 , 周奕雨 , 夏新江


测定了SBR-g-S的接枝率,用TEM检测了粉末SBR-g-S(PR)的相结构.用DSC测定了PS/PR共混体的Tg,研究了PS/PR共混体的相容性.结果发现,在接枝率为32.6%的粉末非交联SBR-g-S(PR1)的相结构中SBR为连续相,在连续相中均匀分布着直径约0.01 μm的PS微区;PS为细胞状分散相,粒径1~5 μm,分散相含有SBR包藏物.在接枝率为8.5%的粉末交联SBR-g-S(PR2)的相结构中PS为连续相,SBR为分散相,分散相粒径约0.3 μm.共混体PS/PR1的相容性优于PS/PR2.SBR在PS富相中有较高的含量是导致PS/PR1共混体在冲击断裂时发生剪切屈服的主要原因.

关键词: 粉末SBR-g-S , 相结构 , PS/粉末SBR-g-S , 共混体 , 相容性

Explanations of the optical spectra and g factor for V3+ ions in ZnX (X = S, Se, Te) crystals

Physica B-Condensed Matter

This paper presents a cluster approach for the calculations of the absorption band positions and the g factor of d(2) tetrahedral cluster. In the approach, the different modifications of e and t(2) orbitals of d electrons and the contribution from the spin-orbit coupling of ligands to the EPR g factor due to the mixing of d(2) ions with the ligands are considered. The calculated band positions and g factor for ZnX : V3+ (X = S, Se, Te) crystals show good agreement with the observed values by using only two adjustable parameters. The contribution from the spin-orbit coupling of ligands to the g factor is discussed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: crystal- and ligand-field theory;optical spectra;electron paramagnetic;resonance;spin-orbit coupling;V3+ ZnX (X = S, Se, Te);vanadium centers;znte crystals


卢绍杰 , 刘瑞贤 , 孙希明 , 卫乃勤 , 杨光中



关键词: 淀粉接枝 , 丙烯酰胺 , 复合引发体系 , 反相胶乳


黄治军 , 王玉涛 , 胡家国



关键词: ER70S-G , 气保焊 , 飞溅 , 成形


刘善喜 , 张彩军 , 吕达 , 马德刚 , 李硕

钢铁钒钛 doi:10.7513/j.issn.1004-7638.2016.05.008

为开发含钛焊丝钢ER70S-G,对其冶炼过程中夹杂的数量、尺寸和类型进行研究.研究发现:在精炼过程中,钢中当量直径夹杂物的数目呈现逐渐降低的趋势;到中间包时,当量直径(5μm)夹杂物数目已经从包样的19.78个/mm2减少到1.66个/mm2;精炼过程夹杂物的平均直径呈逐渐降低的趋势,平均直径为2.05 μm;精炼初期,钢中夹杂物类型主要是MnO-SiO2夹杂,到加钛铁前,钢中的主要夹杂物转变为CaO和MgO,从加钛铁后到中间包期间,Al2O3-Ti2O3-MgO系夹杂是钢中的主要夹杂物.

关键词: 含钛焊丝钢 , 夹杂物 , 数量 , 尺寸 , 类型

Relationship between the brittlement susceptibility and H permeation current for UNS g11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S


Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) behaviour of UNS G11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was, studied by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT), SEM and electrochemical hydrogen permeation technique. The results reveal different cracking mechanism and H permeation current (I-H) through UNS G11180 steel plate in different concentration of H2S solution. The susceptibility to SSCC of UNS G11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was evaluated by the permeation current (I-H, mu A), which depends on the concentration (c x 10(-6)) of H2S by the equation: I-H = 8.525 x c(0.7249). It is proved that the electrochemical H permeation method is a practical way to assess the susceptibility to SSCC.

关键词: cracking

Relationship between the Brittlement Susceptibility and H Permeation Current for UNS G11180 Steel in 5% NaCl Solution with H_2S

Xueyuan ZHANG and Yuanlong DU(State Key Lab. for Corrosion and Protection , Institute of Corrosion and Protection of Metals , Chinese Academy of Sciences , Shenyang 110015 , China)


Sulfide stress corrosion cracking (SSCC) behaviour of UNS G11180 steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was studied by slow strain rate tensile test (SSRT), SEM and electrochemical hydro gen permeation technique. The results reveal different cracking mechanism and H permeation current (IH) through UNS G11180 steel plate in different concentration of H2S solution. The susceptibility to SSCC of UNS G11180 Steel in 5% NaCl solution with H2S was evaluated by the permeation current(IH, μA), which depends on the concentration (c×10-6) of H2S by the equation:IH = 8.525 ×c0.7249. lt is proved that the electrochemical H permeation method is a practical way to assess the susceptibility to SSCC.


Explanation of the EPR g factors for Co2+ impurities in trigonal Cd2P2S6 crystal

Physica B-Condensed Matter

By extending the theory of Abragam and Pryce, the formulas of EPR parameters g and g(perpendicular to) for 3d(7) ion in trigonal octahedral crystals are established from a cluster approach. In these formulas, not only the configuration interaction effect, but also the covalency effect are considered and the parameters related to both effects and the trigonal distortion are determined from the optical spectra and the structural data of the crystal under study. Based on these formulas, the g(parallel to) and g(perpendicular to) of Cd2P2S6: Co2+ crystal are reasonably explained from its structural data. The relationship between the sign of Deltag (= g(parallel to) - g(perpendicular to)) and the trigonal distortion (elongated or compressed) of ligand octahedron, which is opposite to that obtained in the previous paper, is given and the results are discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

关键词: electron paramagnetic resonance;crystal- and ligand-field theory;trigonal distortion;Co2+;Cd2P2S6;superposition model;transition;complexes;ion

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